Sunday, February 15, 2015

Blogging Reading 4

1. Democratic leaders embrace blogging as a potential communication means because of the nature of blogging. Politician’s blogs can be seen by many more people than what is seen through traditional media in politics. During a televised event or news casting there is a limit to the number of people the politician can reach by who is actually viewing the media at that particular time, or watching a recorded segment. These usual means of politician communication are lacking of interaction. Through blogging, many people can communicate with the politician or see the ideas of the politician over the Internet quickly and efficiently. They can also respond and communicate with people, speak about a particular candidate and find out if they would like to vote for this person. Blogging touches more on the human nature aspects of interaction because anyone can communicate with the politician and get a first hand account of how this person will be in an election. This touches on the democratic sense of blogging and politics in that everyone should have their own voice and opinions should be heard.

2. The participatory culture enables an expansion of digital media convergence. People from anywhere can post or comment on a blog, and the blogger can communicate directly with the audience. This allows people to participate in the blogging experience, instead of information coming from one seemingly unattainable person, bloggers communicate first hand with their viewers. This encourages people to communicate, post, tweet and comment on blogs. Everyone has a say in what is being posted and everyone joins in on the conversation. This allows for more digital media convergence because now there are applications and multiple means of commenting and viewing a blog. The audience can comment and view a blog through an app, on a tablet or computer. Blogs are being incorporated into companies as part of their brand as well. These companies want to hear consumer feedback so they establish blogs on the Internet and through apps. This allows more digital media convergence to occur.

3.  Blogging can overturn the structural weakness in elections because of the immense communication that occurs. People can join together in blogging and create a conversation between people from around the nation. This can blur the geographical lines because there are a great number of people communicating from different areas. However, to overturn this people can turn netroots into grassroots and come up with plans to get their ideas flowing in certain areas. If someone on a blog in New Jersey realizes that no one else from around their area feels the same way that person can start a grassroots campaign and educate people around them of what they have learned from their blogging experiences.

4. In new media communication media convergence can abolish the sense of having elite bloggers control the Internet. With more people going online and joining in the conversation through different means of communication there will be no one source of blogging. The Internet was based off of the premise that information should come collectively rather than just one source, and blogging is the same way. Through the invention of new technologies such as smartphones and apps, more people are able to share their opinions online and express their thoughts. Videos, music, literature and ideas are all going onto the Internet faster than ever before from many different sources. This media convergence and advent of new media will allow the superior bloggers to be overthrown by the influx of many different bloggers all over the world.

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